Sunday, December 7, 2008
Mumbai Bomb blasts 26/11
Yesterday while watching TV, I got chance to watch Guruji’s speech which He has given in Mumbai on terrorism. Guruji told that people are very angry on system, politicians but they should channelize their anger in proper way. Meditation, pranayama is what is important to come out of trauma. Art of Living has opened many trauma relief centers in Mumbai.
Jai Gurudev.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Teri justajoo by Roop Kumar Rathod
Awesome song by Kailash Kher , saiyyan...
Keep Smiling.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Two nice stories
A famous painter wanted to draw a painting of Lord Bal Krishna. To draw this painting/portrait he was in search of little beautiful and cute child. So that by looking at child he can draw the painting. But the problem was he was not getting a little boy as per his expectations. He searches a lot. Finally in one village he found a very nice, beautiful and cute boy. Painter draws a very beautiful painting of little Lord Krishna.
Couple of years passed, painter is now old man. This time he wanted to draw a painting of very dangerous criminal. He wanted to have such criminal in front of him so that he can draw his painting. He searched in many jails but he did not get as per his expectations. Painter wanted to catch all expressions of criminal. While passing through roadside, he saw police was carrying one dangerous criminal and there his search finishes. After drawing painting of criminal, that criminal asks him do u remember me. Painter says no. Criminal tells painter that couple of years back you wanted to draw a painting of Bal Krishna that time also you choose me. Now you wanted to draw a painting of very dangerous criminal now also you choose me. Painter understands that criminal is the same person.
What we can learn from this story is that divinity and evil both qualities are present in all human beings. It depends on us where to focus and concentrate. Whatever we focus on grows in our life.
An enlightened Master goes into one village and people organize the satsang for couple of days.
A thief from the village gets a good chance to make robbery because he knew that almost all villagers will go to satsang. He decides a rich person’s house where he wanted to do robbery. He becomes successful in his mission. He keeps all that wealth in his house. After few minutes a angel appears in front of him. Angels says to him that God has seen you today while you were doing robbery. And you will be getting a very strong punishment of that. Angel says you must surrender to God and accept your theft. Thief scares and decides to surrender and goes into house to return the wealth he has stolen. But he remembers one line of that enlightened master when he was passing through that satsang place. He remembers that master said that Angle does not have shadow of their own. So when thief switched on light he can see the shadow of that Angel. He returns with a big stick and says to that person you are making me fool. That so called Angel agrees and accepts that he himself is thief also. He wanted loot his readymade stolen wealth. The wife of thief was very good and spiritual in nature. She tells her husband that you listen and obeyed one line of that enlightened master and you got so much benefit out of that. If you listen and follow the path given by that master then how beneficial it will be.
Keep Smiling.
Jai Gurudev
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Astral Travel aka Out Of Body Experience
In last couple of days while browsing on internet, I came across about some interesting topics. It is not like that I was totally unaware of these topics. But then I thought lets go into deep and understand what exactly those topics are. Those topics are astral travel a.k.a out of body experiences, astral projection, near death experience.
Astral travel or out of body experience ( OBE ) is that experience when your consciousness leaves your physical body and you can observe world without your physical body and its physical senses. It is 'an experience in which a person seems to perceive the world from a location outside his physical body'. What I observed that, it is a part of spiritual practice which is very common in western countries. Generally people get such type of experiences while they are sleeping or dreaming. Some may get while driving, working, playing etc. Off course every single person may not get such experiences. When consciousness leaves body you can see and hear those things which are far from your physical body.
Recently I had chat with a person who is from Netherlands. He was telling me that he was guided by his dreams on his spiritual path. He is getting dreams like he is a Buddhist monk. Also in last two days I went throw one blog where I read about this astral travel. Here is that blog gnosticgirl. You can read more about OBE here
Now what I think is that consciousness leaves your body means of course your physical senses leaves your body. Does it also mean your soul leaves your body during that time? Well I really don’t know as I never had such experience. :) But yes I used have some different types of experiences. I used to wake in the midnights with full sweating. I used to feel like I am dying and I used think what exactly death is. Is OBE same like telepathy. Whatever it is but in western countries people are doing lot of research on this. Many people are using it as spiritual practice and they are regularly practicing it. There are many institutes/organizations, methods available for this. In our India this thing is not new. It will not be a wrong if I say that in India there are many spiritual, enlightened Masters who are having mastery on all such topics. Bharat ki bhumi anginat santo ke sitaro se saji hai. Such enlightened people rule on the visible and invisible world. They rule on this whole creation.
In spirituality there are many paths but one must stick to only one otherwise everything gets messed up. Then situation becomes "Dhobi ka kutta.. " :) But on the path of spirituality you must have a good Master. There is no other way. Same thing Krishna has told to Arjuna.
Keep Smiling.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Thursady Satsnag
Yesterday Sushma Didi was present for the satsang and satsang continued for almost two hours. Whenever she comes, she gives some good knowledge points which are very important for day to day life. Generally whenever Guruji is surrounded by people everybody wants to talk with Him, hug Him , bow down to Him. This is but obvious. What happenes that time is, many thinks that Guruji didnot see me , He did not talked with me, I could not discussed my problem with Guruji, etc. etc. Sushma Didi told that we should not think like that. If Guruji is talking with someone then we should think that as if He is talking with me only. If He is watching anybody then think as if He is watching you only. I know agreeing to these statements practically is bit difficult. The reason is our mind. It is our ego that comes in between. Why Guruji did not see towards me, why He did not talked with me. This "me" is a big enemy on the path of spirituality. Who am I? I am nothing in this world. I think we should live with this feeling all the time.
In first week of last month I got the chance to attend the navaratri advance course in Pune ashram. I met with my school friend there. In the last week there was blessing course organized in the presence of Swami Pragyapadji. My friend asked me are you interested to attend. Mine was not fixed because I knew that I will not get leave. But later I asked my senior and I did not get the leave. I could not attend the blessing course. There is one more guy called Prashant told me that he also wanted to attend the blessing course. In fact he went in half way and he got a phone call. Because of some work he had to return. He also could not do the course. My friend told me that Swami Pragyapadji was saying the same thing. Many people wanted to do the course, but why you people only reached to the course venue. It is not in our hand. So I think whenever my turn will come I will get chance to do the course. But yes it depends on my intensity and Gurukrupa.
keep smiling,
Jai Gurudev.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Love without attachments
Love is a feeling and attachment is an emotion. Now you will ask me huh what the difference between two is, it’s again the same thing. Well there is a difference. Love is feeling within and emotion brings strong feeling, possessiveness, and obsession. I know you must be thinking I am mentally disturbed or I am mad. But love without attachment is true love, pure love, that’s what I think. If we observe carefully everyone is in search of true, permanent, long lasting love. At least I am :) Attachment brings mental fatigue, mind disturbs.
I think true and pure love is free from attachments, lust, obsession etc. Love between Gopis and Krishna is the best example of this one.
It took me a lot of time to agree that love and attachment are two different things. But still to follow it in practical life is not that much easy for me. I think it is a continuous process throughout the life.
Keep Smiling,
Jai Gurudev.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
New York experiences
Even though it was first time to go abroad excitement was not much, a bit curiosity was there. It was new place, new colleague, and new boss for me. My roomies were Indian and they helped me a lot. I never found any difficulty during my stay. What I seen there almost all Indians cook food at home, well that is quite natural and wise ones will prefer that :) I found Americans are co-operative , disciplined, they will give you smile even if they don’t know you. I think Americans are either fat or they will be in proper body shape. I think Americans needs lot of research on their food habits. :) My black American boss always used to take me to taste different types of food items. This is the different case that I liked very few of those :) I was really amazed when I came to know that my boss was not addicted to smoking, drinking etc. , even though he was a proper American. I was having almost all bad habits that time. When he saw me smoking, he asked me, what makes you feel to smoke, what encourages you for smoking. I was answerless that time. Whenever I have done any bad habit, I always used to interact with myself that something is going wrong. It’s like monitoring your own self.
Traveling with subway trains, path trains and bus was good experience. Network of trains underground was new for me that time. Why USA is so much rich and advanced today, is a question we must think on. One day my boss invited me for dinner. Even though I used to eat non-veg that time, I told him I will prefer veg food, as I was scared. :) When I reached to his house I came to know that he is very much interested in music and he can play trumpet very well. His wife was very much interested in cooking. A strict professionalism and discipline at work place are two good qualities which I saw there. My boss was very much frank in nature and we used to discuss on many topics like Indians taking jobs of Americans, dowry system in India, spirituality in India etc. During weekends my colleague and I used to go for sightseeing. We had been to statue of liberty, Wall Street, empire state building, Washington DC, Niagara Falls. It was beautiful experience.
You go anywhere in this world people are same with same emotions, feelings, desires. I don’t like to compare, stupid people keeps comparing, keeps criticizing about what they don’t like. Each country and each city in it has its own beauty. I remember someone asked Guruji that why India is so much rich in spirituality and Guruji answered that America is also beautiful city and people over here are also good but what I see is that Americans has lost somewhere in celebration. (Here celebration means materialistic celebration)
Friday, October 31, 2008
Wildlife Photograph of the year 2008

David Maitland's "deadlock" is this year's winner of the competition’s Behaviour: Other Animals category.
David said the photo was just a snapshot in the struggle between a tree-frog and cat-eyed tree-snake that lasted for hours through the night in the tropical forests of Belize.
Keep Smiling :)
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Biggest Wonder
Pandavas were walking through the jungle and were thirsty. They stop walking while Bhima says I will bring some water for all of us. While in search of water he reaches to a lake which was under control of Yaksha. When Bhima tries to take water, Yaksha says either you give me the exact answer of my question or leave from this place. You can take water only if you give right answer , if you give wrong answer you will die. So Bhima was having two option only either leave or ready for the question. Yaksha asked the biggest wonder in this world. Bhima couldn’t give answer he dies. One by one 4 pandavas dies. At last Dharmaraj comes to lake and gives the right answer. His answer – Daily people watch other people dying, living beings dying then also everybody expects that their life should be stable. They behave with their ego as if they are going to live here forever. This is the biggest wonder of this world.
A beautiful line I found in one book – While you are living don’t think of death. And while you are dying don’t think of living.
Keep Smiling,
Jai Gurudev
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Fall of Human Intellect
Deepak Chopra’s Buddha is also a very beautiful book. This is the first book I have read on Buddha. Author has tried to picture Buddha’s whole life. Siddhartha as a prince, then a wanderer monk in search of God, and after the enlightenment Buddha. After 10 years of marriage Siddhartha goes in Wanaprasthashram. Buddha’s way to achieve enlightenment was totally different. In our country we call vipasana , in Japan they calls it Zen. These are the different names of Buddhism.
Keep smiling,
Jai Gurudev.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Advanced course with Rishi Nityapragyaji
Secondly I asked how to remove bad habits. On this He replied for that do sankalapa and take a vow that you will not indulge in bad habit for 20 days. After 20 days again do same. Like this do for 2 months and you will get rid of your bad habits.
In this advanced course Rishiji taught us many beautiful things. At very first day He asked all of us everybody happy, are you all get accommodation and is everything set, comfortable. Then He said COMFORT IS NOTHING BUT JUST STATE OF MIND. This statement directly went into my head, heart :) Rishiji told us that using our 5 senses on body our mind captures the outer world's situations, people, things. Moreover perceiving power is different of each person. We should not get stuck in people, situation and things. CIC is important in life, i.e Connectedness with Master, using Intelligence, and Commitment. I would like to specifically mention one thing here that I came to know in while listening Guruji's talk. Guruji was telling that someone asked Him that, Guruji I have a very worst habit. My eyes are like X-rays. I look towards everybody without clothes. I am suffering from this bad habit and even if I go to temple I see god and goddess without clothes. Then Guruji's reply on that was beautiful. Guruji replied to that person you give your 100% Dont just look without clothes. Remove their skin and see and then remove their bones as well. This is a very simple and straight forward explanation to remove lust. Course finished on saturday and on sunday there was Ganesh and Navgraha homa. Few veda boys from banglore ashram were present in all these days for lalita sahsranam, and for all homas. I attended Ganesh and Navagraha homa. After that me and my friend was about to leave ashram but we were not feeling to leave ashram.
With Gratitude n love,
Jai Gurudev.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
My favorite songs/bhajans
Ek din app yu humko mil jayenge...
here one more --
Tu pyar ka sagar hai....
I couldnot stop , one more by Vikram bhaiiya :)
Shabdo ke jungle me tu kyo fasa hai...
With Gratitude,
Jai Gurudev.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Astik and Nastik
Keep Smiling,
Jai Gurudev
Saturday, September 13, 2008
OSHO's Talks
There was one more beautiful thing OSHO has told is his talks. There was one very gr8 and famous Indian scientist in USA. He was doing research on plants. Plants can understand humans emotions, sentiments, they can read humans mind. After that scientist's death his American student continued the research. In laboratory there was one plant on which experiments were going on. That plant was attached to machines to read its vibrations. When that student came near to its plant and he was very happy that moment, that time plant's vibrations were smooth. After few moments he thought what if I cut this plant in between , and suddenly the vibrations of plants changed suddenly and its graph changed drastically. That student just thought about to cut the the plant , but he never did it. After this incident whenever that student came near to that plant its graph used to change. It took 20 days for that plant to understand that , this student is not going to do anything harmful it him. This has been scientifically proved this way.
There's a book named as The Secret Of Plants on this same concept.
Well its really difficult to mention here all things which I have learned from OSHO's talks. His talks are available free on
Keep Smiling,
Jai Gurudev.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Big Bang
To get more information about Big Bang, or just put "Big Bang" in google. You can read more stuff on CERN's websites also. --
Keep Smiling,
Jai Gurudev
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
First upgrade of YES+
What I can say here is once you do YES+ upgrade you cannot forget that day in your whole life :)
Keep Smiling,
Jai Gurudev
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Festival Season
Well its festival season going on. Bappa ale re... :) its now Ganesh festival for 10 days. After few days navaratri , Dasara and then Diwali :) In Maharashtra Ganesh Festival is very big. You will see many people saying that, day by day festival is getting lost somewhere. I mean the pure feelings, serenity, its true purpose is getting distorted. Today only I read such types of news in newspaper. Well I am definitely agree to this but we should not forget that change is natures law. And everybody is responsible to make this festival more and more creative , innovative. I think this festival definitely useful. Important thing is that we should not criticize anything, if we cannot take part in it. Whatever it is I like this festival. Ganapati bappa moraya.....
Keep Smiling,
Jai Gurudev
Friday, August 8, 2008
Problems in Life
Keep Smiling,
Jai Gurudev.
Monday, August 4, 2008
YES+ with Bawa and Dinesh Bhaiyya
With love and gratitude,
Jai Gurudev
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Na Khona hi hai
Tera Na hona jane
Kyun hona hi hai
Tum se hi din hota hai
Surmaiye shaam aati
Tumse hi tumse hi
Har ghadi saans aati hai
Zindagi kehlati hai
Tumse hi tumse hi
Na hai yeh pana
Na Khona hi hai
Tera Na hona jane
Kyun hona hi hai
Aankhon mein ankhne teri
Bahoon mein baahein teri
Mera na mujhe mein kuch raha hua kya
Baaton mein baatein teri
Raatein saugatein teri
Kyun tera sab yeh ho gaya
hua kya
Mein kahin bhi jata hoon
Tumse hi mil jata hoon
Tumse hi tumse hi
Shoor mein khamoshi hai
Thodi se Behoshi hai
Tum se hi tum se hi
Aadha sa wada kabhi
Aadhe se jayada kabhi
Jee chahe karlu is trah wafa ka
Chode na chote kabhi
Tode na tute kabhi
Jo dhaga tumse jud gaya wafa ka
Mein Tera sharmaya hoon
Jo mein ban paya hoon
Tumse hi tumse hi
Raste miljate hai
Manzile miljati hai
Tumse hi tumse hi
Na hai yeh pana
Na Khona hi hai
Tera Na hona jane
Kyun hona hi hai